Summary :

upgrade Windows XP to Windows 10

When referring to Windows 10 upgrade from XP, you may ask these questions: Should I upgrade Windows XP to Windows 10? Can I run Windows 10 on Windows XP? How exercise I upgrade from XP to Windows ten? After reading this postal service, you lot can get answers to these questions. Now, let'south see the guide offered by MiniTool.

Quick Navigation :

  • Should You Upgrade Windows XP to Windows ten?
  • Tin can You Update Windows XP to Windows ten?
  • Bank check Your Hardware for Compatibility
  • How to Upgrade Windows XP to Windows 10?
  • Some Suggestions Later on Y'all Upgrade Windows XP to Windows 10
  • Bottom Line
  • Upgrade Windows XP to Windows 10 FAQ
  • User Comments

Should You lot Upgrade Windows XP to Windows 10?

Windows XP is an old operating arrangement, released in 2001. On April viii, 2014, extended support for XP ended. However, up to now, there are still some persons using Windows XP on their computers.

If you are too one of these users, you had meliorate perform a system update since the old operating organisation is vulnerable to viruses and malicious programs without security updates and technical back up from Microsoft. Besides, your auto may run very slowly.

At present Windows 10 is the latest version of the operating system and it offers powerful features. To get a safety organisation and fast user experience, y'all can choose to upgrade from XP to Windows x.

Then, here comes a question: tin can y'all perform the upgrade? Move to the second part.

Tin can You Update Windows XP to Windows ten?

If yous are running Windows XP, your estimator is likely to exist too old and may not satisfy the requirements for an upgrade to Windows x. To know if your automobile is eligible for the upgrade, you can cull to check the total device compatibility.

If non, you tin choose to buy a new computer pre-installed with Windows 10 operating system.

Besides, Windows ten upgrade from XP cannot be washed as an 'in-identify' upgrade and yous need to wipe the difficult drive and start from scratch. That is, you lot need to install Windows 10 on the old figurer and at that place's no way to upgrade and go along your files, settings, and programs.

In the following office, let'southward see how to check the compatibility to encounter if your motorcar meets the requirements of Windows ten.

Tip: If you are running Windows Vista and likewise want to upgrade to Windows 10, yous tin can follow this post - How to Upgrade Vista to Windows 10? A Full Guide for You!

Check Your Hardware for Compatibility

Windows 10 update depends on the components in your system. Checking if your hardware of the auto is compatible is the starting time thing y'all should practice.

Before doing the check, let'south expect at the system requirements of Windows 10.

  • Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor or SoC
  • Graphics card: DirectX nine or subsequently with WDDM ane.0 driver
  • Display: 800 x 600
  • RAM: 1GB for 32-bit or 2GB for 64-bit
  • Hd space: 16GB for 32-bit, 20GB for 64-bit. Since May 2019 Update, the 64-bit system needs at least 32GB.

To know more details on Windows 10 organisation requirements, refer to this post - Windows 10 Requirements: Can My Computer Run Information technology.

Now you should check the reckoner to see its specifications. At that place are some means you lot tin try and let's see them.

Correct-click My Computer and choose Backdrop. And so, yous can run into some information including system version, CPU, and RAM.

system properties in Windows XP

Or you tin can press Win + R to get the Run window, blazon msinfo32, and click OK. In the System Information interface, yous can come across the system specifications.

system information of Windows XP

To know the DirectX version, you lot can type dxdiag to the Run window and press OK to open DirectX Diagnostic Tool. Then, you can encounter the version information. Also, you can come across the specifications of the processor and memory.

DirectX Diagnostic Tool
how to check pc specs windows 10 thumbnail

How to check PC specs Windows ten? This mail service provides 5 means with step-by-stride guides to help you lot find full estimator specs in Windows 10 PC/laptop.

After finishing the check, you should know if your computer tin can be upgraded to Windows ten from XP. If yes, it is time to upgrade Windows XP to Windows 10 by following these steps below.

Note: If the PC meets the system requirements, you demand to buy a license key of Windows 10 from the Microsoft Store. You lot tin choose to buy a copy of Windows ten Home or Pro. To acquire the difference between these two editions, refer to this post - Windows x Home or Windows x Pro – Which One Is for You lot.

How to Upgrade Windows XP to Windows 10?

As mentioned above, Windows x upgrade from XP is not an in-place update but a reinstallation of the operating system. This will clean your figurer, for example, delete your files, apps, and settings and start from scratch again.

Thus, the update requires 2 necessary steps: dorsum up your computer files to an external hard drive and install Windows x on the difficult drive.

Footstep one: Create a Fill-in for Your PC

Backing up files in Windows XP is fairly important to make sure the information security since some data will be erased during the system installation process. Well so, how can you create a fill-in for your files on the PC?

Utilise Built-in Backup Tool in XP

In Windows XP, there is a built-in tool that tin can be used to back up your files. You tin utilise it before you upgrade Windows XP to Windows 10. Just follow these instructions:

1. In XP, click Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Backup to go the Backup or Restore Magician.

ii. Decide what you lot want to exercise: Back up files and settings.

three. Specify the item you want to support and hither we bank check Let me choose what to support.

let me choose what to back up

iv. Bank check the boxes of the folders that y'all desire to back upwardly.

five. Choose a identify to save the fill-in. Here, we recommend using an external hard drive.

six. Click the Stop push button to start the backup performance.

finish file backup using the built-in backup tool in XP

Step 2: Upgrade XP to Windows 10 via a Clean Install

After finishing the backup, the last step for Windows 10 upgrade from XP is performing a clean install. To do this work, you need to create a bootable USB flash drive.

Tip: The USB drive should take at to the lowest degree 8GB of storage. Besides, make sure there is no important information on the drive since it will be wiped during the creation process.

Create an Installation USB Drive

When referring to creating a bootable drive, many of you consider using Media Creation Tool. In Windows XP, it cannot be used since the operating organization is besides erstwhile. Merely you can choose to apply this tool on another PC that runs Windows 7/8/10.

In this postal service - How to Create a Bootable USB from ISO Windows x for Clean Install, nosotros have described many details on the creation.

If yous nonetheless need to create an installation drive in Windows XP, you need to firstly download an .iso file of Windows 10 and then use a third-party tool similar UNetbootin to burn the .iso file to your wink drive.

use UNetbooin to burn Windows 10 iso to a USB drive

Clean Install

The following is how to upgrade Windows XP to Windows 10 via a make clean install.

1. Boot your reckoner to BIOS and change the boot order to boot it from the created bootable USB drive.

2. Select the language, keywords, time and currency format.

3. Click the Install now button from the new window.

Windows Setup install now

4. Type the license key that you have purchased and click Next.

5. Decide the edition that you lot demand to install. Note that the edition should be the ane you have bought a central for.

6. After accepting the agreement, click Custom: Install Windows only (advanced).

install Windows only

vii. Delete the arrangement partitioning where Windows XP is installed to go an unallocated space

8. Cull this unallocated space to install Windows 10 and click Next to start the installation procedure.

Later on finishing the installation, follow the on-screen instructions to configure your calculator. After that, restore your backed upward files to your hard bulldoze. Also, you can set up your new system and here this related article - Computer Setup: How to Set upwardly a New Computer with Windows 10 is helpful for you.

"Here is all the information on how to update Windows XP to Windows 10. Follow the guide if you need to perform the update. Likewise, you lot can share the guide with your friends." Click to tweet

Some Suggestions After Yous Upgrade Windows XP to Windows 10

Subsequently Windows 10 upgrade from XP, at that place are some things y'all can do:

  1. Update Windows 10 to the latest versions. Just become to Settings > Update & Security and bank check for updates. If at that place are available updates, install them.
  2. Ensure your device drivers are upwards-to-appointment. You tin open up Device Manager to right-click a driver and cull Update driver. Also, utilise a professional driver update tool for this work.
what to do after installing windows 10 thumbnail

What to do after installing Windows x operating system? Read this post and you will know how to make Windows more productive and secure from the start.

Bottom Line

Exercise you want to upgrade Windows XP to Windows 10? How to perform the update from Windows XP to ten? After reading this postal service, you know much information on the update. Only follow the guide for the update.

If you accept whatsoever idea on this topic or any question, remember to tell united states of america. You can get out a comment beneath or transport an electronic mail to [e-mail protected].

Upgrade Windows XP to Windows 10 FAQ

Can I update Windows XP to Windows 10 for costless?

Windows 10 is no longer gratuitous and you lot demand to purchase a re-create of this operating system for the update from Windows XP to Windows x.

How do I upgrade from XP to Windows 10?

If your automobile can meet the system requirements of Windows 10, y'all can back up files to an external hard drive and perform a clean install of Windows 10 to end the update from XP.

What can I do with an old Windows XP computer?

Can you all the same apply Windows XP in 2020?

You can still use Windows XP in 2020 but there are no security updates and technical support from Microsoft, so the XP machine is vulnerable to viruses and other threats.